Discover Your Master Soul Code Using Ascended Numerology

Get Wisdom Directly From Your Soul

Unlock the wisdom within the code of your soul using Ascended Numerology! Get a soul code numerology reading!


Forget everything you know about numerology, astrology, and birth dates. Ascended Numerology is unlike any other system of numerology you may have heard of. It is not some “woo woo” concept, but an actual SCIENCE!

Ascended Numerology is a completely UNIQUE system of working with the mathematical sequences and occurrences in your life.

This original and extraordinary science of using numbers was “lost” during the burning of the Library of Alexandria. The lost knowledge was replaced with an earthbound alignment of numbers, which was expanded upon by astrologers of different origins. While these systems have served people for many millennia, there is a greater ascension energy that is now present upon our planet. This has called out to expand the wisdom, which has only recently been brought back to humanity through Ascended Numerology.

Ascended Numerology reveals keys and sequences that have not been previously available.

Ascended Numerology is a form of healing science. It opens the gateway to self-trust and divine guidance from within. The value of Ascended Numerology is that it provides a chart of your soul and offers insights into your life purpose and mission. This can help raise your vibration and expand your consciousness. Ascended Numerology reveals why you were born on a certain date, in a specific location, with a given name, etc., and explains that there was a reason for every event that happened in your life. It shows that the soul chose the birth information that would support the accomplishing of the soul’s evolution.

Ascended Numerology doesn’t take away your power, but actually EMPOWERS you! It allows you to TRUST yourself, deepens your conscious connection to the Divine and helps you to realize that you are a co-creator.


This fascinating and extraordinary science lets you receive wisdom directly from your soul. It helps you to CONSCIOUSLY understand the events in your life. Ascended Numerology reveals to you the blueprint that you agreed to. It allows you to discover your soul’s agreement at a very unique and deep level.

It can provide answers to any life question, such as:

  • How your birth name affects the energy of your destiny
  • Why you were born on your birth date
  • Why your soul chose your birth location


The Code of the Soul is not meant to be hidden, but it is protected. When you are ready, the codes unlock. If you are reading this, then there is a reason your Higher Self has brought you to this page!

The first layer of information revealed by Ascended Numerology is called the Diamond Foundation. This session offers your Soul Code Map numerology chart and can ignite a greater connection with your Divine self. It helps you understand your life and what your soul is seeking to make conscious. It lets your soul speak with stunning clarity.

The benefits of this numerology reading include finding out why you chose to be inserted in a specific timeline to accomplish the evolution of your soul’s journey, why you chose your parents and birth location, and the wisdom your soul carries.

This session provides clarity about your mission of this lifetime and assists you to receive insights directly from your soul. It can also help you realize that everything you have experienced (childhood, parents, events, etc.) was part of your mission and evolution.


Ready to discover the UNIQUE code of your soul?

With the new energy on the planet and the rise in human consciousness, more and more people are remembering who they are. Do you value your soul? Do you want to discover that you are not the limited human that you thought you were?

Ascended Numerology helps you wake up to the truth of who you really are and why you are here. If you are already awake, it provides deeper insights from your soul.

In order to make this numerology reading available to more people, we have decided to let YOU choose what you want to pay for this session based on how valuable you believe this information is to you. How much value do you place on your soul?

Discover your Master Soul Code!


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